Make sure that the right emails go to the right people.

The FlockSend email communication platform ensures the right message gets to the right person at the right time. Sometimes you need to talk to everyone at once; at other times, you only need to reach out to the bible study. Send one-time email campaigns to everyone on your list or segment your audience based on tags relevant to your Church. 


Create and send beautiful emails

FlockSend helps you create church newsletters and send weekly bulletins in minutes with our easy drag-and-drop email builder. In addition, our emails are fully responsive, meaning whatever the device it's viewed on it will look just right.


Send email to the right person at the right time

With FlockSend, you can create custom fields and tags to group your contacts based on data fields and tags relevant to the church. Use the tags to send an email just to the welcome ministry, bible study group or to whomever you choose.


Using dynamic content, personalised emails are quick and easy to create.

Create just one email and dynamically personalise it for multiple contacts using our drag-and-drop email builder. For example, show different content to people in the same email based on your contact segments and tags. For instance, if a contact has already attended Alpha, tell them about the upcoming bible study. Create dynamic compelling copy that resonates with your selected contacts.


See what messages work best

FlockSend takes the guesswork out of creating an email that is likely to get opened. It tests those email campaigns with A/B and multivariate testing, so you can pick what's most successful.

Take your Church communications to the next level.


Make sure that the right emails go to the right people.

The FlockSend email communication platform ensures the right message gets to the right person at the right time. Sometimes you need to talk to everyone at once; at other times, you only need to reach out to the bible study. Send one-time email campaigns to everyone on your list or segment your audience based on tags relevant to your Church. 


Create and send beautiful emails

FlockSend helps you create church newsletters and send weekly bulletins in minutes with our easy drag-and-drop email builder. In addition, our emails are fully responsive, meaning whatever the device it's viewed on it will look just right.


Send email to the right person at the right time

With FlockSend, you can create custom fields and tags to group your contacts based on data fields and tags relevant to the church. Use the tags to send an email just to the welcome ministry, bible study group or to whomever you choose.


Using dynamic content, personalised emails are quick and easy to create.

Create just one email and dynamically personalise it for multiple contacts using our drag-and-drop email builder. For example, show different content to people in the same email based on your contact segments and tags. For instance, if a contact has already attended Alpha, tell them about the upcoming bible study. Create dynamic compelling copy that resonates with your selected contacts.


See what messages work best

FlockSend takes the guesswork out of creating an email that is likely to get opened. It tests those email campaigns with A/B and multivariate testing, so you can pick what's most successful.

Take your Church communications to the next level.

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